Friday, March 27, 2015

April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s Day or All Fool’s Day is celebrated every first of April. It isn't recognized as a holiday, but many people celebrate it by pranking one another.  The place where April fool’s originated is still unknown but, there are a few theories on how it all started. One of the many theories is the one that happened in 1582 when Pope Gregory ordered a new calendar to replace the Julian one.  The new calendar changed the day of New Years to January 1st, but the people of France refused to accept that New Years was changed to January, so they continued to celebrate it on the First of April. Many people made fun of these traditionalists so they sent them on to go in “Fool’s errands” and this tricked them to believe their false words. Eventually this joke continued throughout all of Europe, and later one, the whole world.

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